Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Older days!

I was browsing through the internet today, looking for some information about  the San Pedro Foundation. I did find some and it dates way back to the year 1997! Three brilliant students were awarded scholarships! They were Mariana Ancona, Mary Gonzalez and Karen Martinez . Mariana Ancona used the scholarship to continue her tertiary education. She studied at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) in the U.S., where she was to pursue her PHD in Science School. Ms. Ancona received one of the highest grade averages.

  Victoria Collins presents a San Pedro Foundation scholarship to Mariana Ancona

Karen Martinez graduated from Muffles Junior College in May of that same year majoring in Business Science. During her four semesters there, she made the Dean's honor list twice. She also received an award from the Hon. Ruben Campos for Youth Leadership and Community Service, and an award from the University of Quintanaroo, Mexico for her participation in a Master Plan Survey for the Orange Walk Town Board. Ms. Martinez used her scholarship to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Business Science at the University College of Belize (now referred to as the University of Belize).
Mary Gonzalez was enrolled at St. John's Junior College pursuing a General Studies course and majoring in Biology.

These three brilliant students were the first few who had received assistance from the San Pedro Foundation. They, as well as many of our young students have and should enjoy the benefits of the scholarships that the San Pedro Foundation offers!

Our young people are the future, and as Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945) states, "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." This is the aim of the San Pedro Foundation—to assist our youth and provide them with a monetary foundation for higher education.



Monday, June 24, 2013


Education plays an important role in San Pedro, as in the rest of the world. Graduates from high school seek to further their education either in the city or abroad.Unfortunately sometimes, financial difficulty handicaps a student to continue his/her studies putting to waste an intelligent mind.Fortunately, in San Pedro there is a vibrant organization willing to assist interested students in continuing their education by awarding them with scholarships.

The San Pedro Foundation (SPF) is a government registered, non-profit organization founded in 1993 by home owners at the Belize Yacht Club. Hank and Mary Agler were the main founders. Mary had been a teacher in Indiana and knew the importance of a good education. Hank passed away in 2008, but Mary still takes an active interest in the functions of the foundation. Their main goal has always been to raise funds that will aid in scholarship funding for young Belizean students. Having seen that the government of Belize provides for education only up to the age of sixteen, the San Pedro Foundation seeks to aid the youth of San Pedro who want to achieve a higher education. The Foundation offers scholarships of$3,200 Bz ($1,600 US) to students who have graduated high school and been accepted to institutions of higher learning. The scholarships are awarded in increments of $800 per semester and are contingent on the student achieving a passing grade average. Throughout its existence, the foundation has given scholarship to thirteen students and most of them have returned to live and work in San Pedro.

Most of the donations given to the SPF come from visitors to the island of San Pedro who have thoroughly enjoyed their stay and want to do something to help the community. A fund raising bar-b-que is held annually. In addition to offering scholarships, the Foundation has contributed to the R.C.School, the San Pedro Library and other community efforts.

Current board members are Claudio Azueta, President; Renita Dellacca, Vice President; Ken Osterman, Treasurer; Jenny Osterman, Secretary and Anthony Anderson, Director.
