Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Another Proud Scholarship Recipient!


Lucelli grew up in the small village of San Lazaro, Orange Walk. She is the daughter of Esther Sanchez, a housekeeper, and Ivan Sanchez, a former school teacher. She is the eldest of four children. At an early age, Lucelli showed great interest in the scientific nature of life. She enjoyed long walks and observing the simple, yet complex and intriguing life of the creatures she saw. She also enjoyed experimenting. As Lucelli grew up, she discovered her love for science and a passion for the well being of others. Thus it was, that Lucelli chose to study in the field of science. In the year 2004 she enrolled at the Belize Adventist College, Calcutta. It was a challenging feat but at the end of those four long years the outcome was a successful one. She graduated with honors and as the Salutatorian from the Belize Adventist College in 2007. Subsequently, Lucelli moved to the island of San Pedro to live with her parents. That same year, she applied for a post as a pharmacist assistant. Her ethical values and dedication has earned her the trust of her boss and has allowed her to retain a part time job with her employer. She has been working at the pharmacy since then and has gained a vast experience  in the medical field. In the year 2009, Lucelli enrolled at the University of Belize, where she is majoring in Nursing and a minor in Pharmacology. Her aim goes further. She does not want to remain a registered nurse but wishes  to further her education and gain a Master degree and the title of Physician Assistant. It was not until the year 2011, that Lucelli gained a scholarship from the San Pedro Foundation. Back then her mother was working as a house keeper for the Changes in Latitude Bed and Breakfast Inn. The employer saw that her mother (now a single mother) was struggling to give her four daughters an education. And after seeing that Lucelli had the abilities of a good student who showed to have a promising future, she did not hesitate to offer Lucelli an application. Thus it was that Lucelli obtained her scholarship. Lucelli believes that any body can be who he/she wants to be with studying, a great passion, patience and practice. Why? Because all good things come to those who wait... practice makes perfect... passion allows somebody to do something because they themselves enjoy whatever it is that they like doing. It comes from their own mind and not as the result of other peoples influences... and  studying sets the road for learning and it will all be worth it at the end.

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