Saturday, January 11, 2014

Who is Who at the San Pedro Foundation? Lucelli Sanchez

My name is Lucelli Ivannie Sanchez. I was born on April 9th, 1991, at the old Belize hospital in Belize City to my parents Esther and Ivan Sanchez . I am the eldest of four girls (Nirsa Leilani, 18, Emily Francis, 15, and Analuisa Esther, 9).

From left to right: Lucelli, Emily, and Nirsa (Analuisa was not yet born).

I grew up in the village of San Lazaro, Orange Walk, during my early childhood years. As my grandmother said, and my parents consented, I was baptized Catholic as a baby ( quite unjust... they took advantage I couldn't yet speak). Our house was close to my paternal grandmother. Living there was fun, sometimes I got scold or lashed as I was quite mischievous and energetic--what else can be expected from a girl that grew up with three boys? I seldom visited my maternal grandmother. I spent most of my childhood days with my father's family. I attended both the San Felipe Roman Catholic School and the San Lazaro Roman Catholic School. I excelled at primary school, and most people used to say that they cannot expect less as my father was a school teacher. As a student in the San Lazaro RC School I participated in the softball team, in the National Drug Awareness Contest (NDAC) and Spelling Bee Contest. Yes, I did had some victories, but did not managed to enter the national level. Sadly, my paternal grandmother died when I was eleven years old. Then, things started changing. I was transferred from the San Lazaro Roman Catholic School to the San Lazaro Methodist Protestant School. My mother and father started attending the Adventist Church and I was baptized that same year (this time it was me that made the decision). Whilst attending the SLMPS, I entered the Spelling Bee contest once again. This time I brought the victory home! I graduated as the valedictorian from the San Lazaro Methodist Protestant School. I started to attend the Belize Adventist College, located in Calcutta, Corozal, in the years 2004-2008. Whilst there, I made too many friends and met exceptional teachers. They were my inspiration each day. I also participated in the Food Contest. We managed to reach the national level, but sad to say, we lost. My parents moved to San Pedro Ambergris Caye in the year 2006, for some undisclosed reasons. I stayed at my maternal grandmother's house until the day that I graduated. I graduated as the salutatorian, with honors. I moved to San Pedro two days after my graduation in June, 2008. I started working as a waitress at a Pizzeria for a few months. Then I started training as a pharmacist. After two weeks of training, I officially started working as a trained pharmacist assistant at Quality Pharmacy, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. I have three years experience, and have been working on and off at the pharmacy ever since. I am proud to say the my boss (Dorothea Pineda) has been a great inspiration and a great teacher. I have learned so much from her.

I started studying at UB in the year 2009. I am presently doing my Bachelor's degree in Nursing. So far I am officially a second year student nurse. Reason being, I have taken two years off to work at the pharmacy and save money so that I could have continued studying.

(A special friend of mine and I at the beginning of the World Diabetes Day Conference hosted at the University of Belize on Nov. 14, 2013)

While at UB I have made many friends, but this time, they are more like sisters to me. We have shared too many memorable experiences.

(This is me, at an awesome photo shoot at the end of the school day. Had a great time with three of my closest friends).

My lifelong goal, with God's help, is to finish UB as a RN (registered nurse), do my three years experience at the San Pedro Polyclinic, go to UWI, to earn my degree as either a pediatric nurse or as a physician assistant, then go to Africa as a missionary nurse.

(Two of my closest friends and I walking down the road and enjoying the lovely view of a small village known as St. Margaret Village, Cayo).

I met Ms. Renita a few years ago, through my mother, who was an employee of hers at that time. Ms. Renita introduced me to the Foundation and Mr. ken and Mrs. Jenny Osterman. I applied for a scholarship about an year after knowing them. I am now proud to say that I am a proud recipient of a San Pedro Foundation Scholarship. I am also the main blogger for the organization since July, 2013! It has been quite an awesome experience.

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