Friday, January 17, 2014

Celebrating World Diabetes Day at the University of Belize

Everybody was getting ready to celebrate the World Diabetes Day, including the University of Belize 2nd year Nursing Students. Planning and organizing were done day and night. Preparations were made, activities were planned, and the students were kept busy.

To start off celebrating the World Diabetes Day, a Diabetes walkathon was made at the Belmopan City about a week before the actual event. It was estimated that with the help of the newly opened Belmopan Diabetic Association, at least a hundred people would attend. To our surprise, the number of those who attended was about half of the number estimated. Nevertheless, we were happy that there were at least a few who were willing to walk for a change.

A few days before the conference, decorations were underway, name tags were being prepared, a meal plan was done, activities and educational programs were organized, and everybody was getting ready so that  the conference would be a success.

The day came, and oh boy!, the auditorium was looking so beautiful. People were making a line to sign up and enter the auditorium and getting a name tag pinned on them. There were at least a hundred and fifty people present! We were happy of the number. There were different stalls in the building--food stalls, beverage stalls, information booths, free testing booths, and they were all full of people that were buying and inquiring information. It was such a beautiful view!

By the end of the day, we were all happy that the conference was a success! Most of the food was sold, and most of the people went home satisfied with the information that they had acquired that day. See the pictures below!


Then, on the week after, we had a World Diabetes Day Blue Monument Challenge. We made a big blue human circle by where the UB monument is. The lighting was a success with about fifty people joining to build the blue human circle.

This year we will be having another World Diabetes Day. We hope and pray that much more people will be assisting the event. People need to be aware of the causes and effect of diabetes, the signs and symptoms, and the limitations that diabetes causes in the life of those who suffer of it. As my educator says, " Education is the best prevention".

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