Friday, May 16, 2014

Sarita's Srubs for Nursing Students

Throughout our existence in this enormous, yet, small world, we will meet persons that will bring about a change in us. Changes that will either bring about a positive or a negative outcome. Changes that will either influence our way of thinking, our way of analyzing, or our way of behaving. Whatever these changes are , it is just a matter of the way in which we will perceive it and the way we will embrace it. 

As nursing students, changes are always occurring in our everyday routines. The plans and outcomes of our daily routines are never constant. They keep on changing with the test, trials, and struggles that we have to go through. Nevertheless, the constant support that we need in our changing life is always there. The instructors are always willing to assist those who show that they need the assistance and can improve with it. Our colleagues are always there as well... they are there to show support, they are there to scold, to make you smile, to help in stressing you more...they always make the learning process an easy and fun one.

One day, as I was talking to a special lady, she told me that she knew somebody who would be willing to assist me with nursing scrubs and even make some for sale and at a low price. She said I would have to go to her house and explain to her how I would like to have the nursing scrubs made. 

I went to see Mrs. Sara Morris. I would have never thought I would have so much fun being there with her, but I did. After taking a picture with her, we sat down around the table drinking a hot cup of tea. She told me about the book she was reading and her experiences as a nurse (Mrs. Sarah is a retired American nurse). I talked to her about my self, about my dreams, my goals, and my aspirations. Her experiences, the love and passion for nursing, and her inspiration and motivation, have made me realized what is most important in nursing. To be a nurse you must have a love and passion for it, but most importantly, you must be able to love your patients. 

Today, Mrs. Sara is working on nursing scrubs. Our dream is to make scrubs that will beautifully designed and for sale at a reasonable price. This is only one of our dreams. Another one of our dreams is to open a nursing store that will provide nursing students with all necessary materials at a reasonable price--nursing scrubs, stethoscopes, nursing scissors... everything. 

Mrs. Sara, you are an inspiration!

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